Dokemon Cards

As an earlier post on the nameless card game mentions, Dokémon (Dokemon) is a parody of the popular Pokémon anime and card game. My brother, David, and I  watched the the show religiously every Saturday taking notes on the different features of the original 150 Pokémon, and used the various arms, faces, legs and tails to create parody versions of the characters. While influenced strongly by the Pokémon franchise, most of the early Dokémon we created have names that relate to our family members. For example, there is the Russell Squirmy, which was supposed to be a Dokémon in my image; and the Wild Garth that related to our uncle Garth. When we ran out of family members to name Dokémon after we moved on to friends, such as the Wild Clifford, and also our stuffed animals, finally creating characters like Can and Supreme Can from everyday objects. Each of these cards was constructed with the cardboard of a toilet paper roll sandwiched between two pieces of printer paper. Approximately 2X3 inches the original Dokémon cards that you see below are roughly the size of the real Pokémon cards. Eventually we moved on to using 3X4 index cards and laminating them rather than go through the effort of flattening toilet paper rolls to utilized their rigidity. We continued making more than 300 3X4 Dokémon cards, including holographic foil cards, while the below gallery is the the entire collection of the  67 original toilet paper roll Dokémon (Dokemon) cards.

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